Kamis, 26 September 2024.
Field Trip Kelas 6 ke Griya Batik Gabovira.
Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah siswa dapat menanamkan nilai-nilai ber-CHYBK dalam kreativitas mewarnai kain batik khas Lampung.
1. Siswa mewarnai kain batik yang sudah dicanting menggunakan lilin.
2. Siswa diajak berkeliling melihat koleksi kain dan baju-baju batik khas Lampung.
Thursday, September 26, 2024Grade 6 Field Trip to Gabovira Batik House.The aim of this activity is that students can instill CHYBK values in creativity coloring typical Lampung batik cloth.1. Students are coloring the batik cloth that has been cut using candles.2. Students are invited to go around to see the collection of cloths and batik clothes typical of Lampung.